
By the way, to the best of your knowledge, why is New Jersey called the Garden State?













Don't Know/Refuse



Base: 746 (2004) and 602 (2005).

This past summer, did you or someone in your household shop at any roadside stands or farmers markets here in New Jersey?

Base: 602.

And in the past month, have you or someone in your household bought any Jersey Fresh or locally grown fruits and vegetables at your grocery store?

Base: 602.

Now, let me ask about something called preserved farmland.  Sometimes, farmers will sell their right to develop their property to the local government. The local government pays the farmer a sum of money and the farmer agrees not to sell his land to builders and not to build on it himself. How much have you heard or read about this kind of preserved farmland?

Base: 602.

On this kind of preserved farmland, the farmer may still need to build a barn, farm buildings or greenhouses in order to run the farm and make a good living.  Do you think … or do you think …?

Base: 602. Includes leaners in both categories.

Last year, the state decided to restrict development in the Highlands region in order to help protect drinking water supplies. How much have you heard or read about this legislation…?

                        Base: 602.

Some animal species in New Jersey are endangered or threatened and may be at some risk of dying out eventually.  Can you name any of those New Jersey land animals?

                        Base: 602.

Some people say…. Others say…. Which comes closest to your view?

                        Base: 602. Includes leaners for both responses.

Local and state governments use the power of eminent domain to build various things. IN GENERAL, do you think it's acceptable or not acceptable for local governments to use eminent domain to force the sale of…?

a)     houses and shops to build a new school?

b)     dilapidated properties to rebuild with better housing and shops

c)      middle class housing and replace it with upscale condos and shops

d)     active farmland to build a new school or ball field

Base: 602.

see also:

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Copyright © 2005, Fairleigh Dickinson University. All rights reserved. FDU PublicMind Poll [Latest update 051116]