Response by Rick Thigpen

Voters in New Jersey are clearly wary of the consequences that will result from this proposed extension of governmental power. This concern extends across all partisan, ideological and demographic differences. Any candidate for elective office needs to handle this expansion of the use of eminent domain with extreme caution.

This is especially true for democrats who may wish to use this tool to further an urban redevelopment agenda. Suspicion of big government, present at the birth of our Republic, is still alive and well.

see also:
Survey Analysis
Republican Analysis
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Comment by Fairleigh Dickinson University's PublicMind Academic Associate, Rick Thigpen (J.D., Columbia University Law School). Rick is a former Executive Director of the New Jersey Democratic Party and now a partner in The Strategy Group and is a campaign coordinator for the Essex County Democratic Party. Rick Thigpen, Esq. can be reached at (609) 394-0888.

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