Response by Rick Thigpen

The New Jersey electorate continues to speak quite clearly that they prefer Senator Corzine to Doug Forrester in the race for Governor. A closer examination of the numbers suggests Corzine's lead may even be more commanding. Corzine is running stronger with Democrats than Forrester is running with Republicans, and Corzine is showing a substantial lead among independent voters as well. In a year where property taxes, budget problems and the responsible stewardship of the public's finances appear to be uppermost in the voters' minds, the voters seem already convinced that Jon Corzine is the man for those challenges. On the other hand, Doug Forrester's campaigning with Dick Cheney will only do harm to his credibility with the voters on these issues. The good news for Doug Forrester is there is hardly any place to go but up.

It appears that the Democrats one-two punch of Dick Codey as acting Governor and Jon Corzine as the candidate for Governor is as formidable combination as Shaq and Kobe in winning championships. Codey's performance in the Governor's office has erased any doubts that may have existed about the suitability of Democrats to govern this state. Jon Corzine's Wall Street expertise and his engaging political style make him the right man at the right time for the voters to handle their most pressing concerns.

see also:
Survey Analysis
Salmore's Analysis
Tabular Results
Survey Details

Comment by Fairleigh Dickinson University's PublicMind Academic Associate, Rick Thigpen (J.D., Columbia University Law School). Rick is a former Executive Director of the New Jersey Democratic Party and now a partner in The Strategy Group and is a campaign coordinator for the Essex County Democratic Party. Rick Thigpen, Esq. can be reached at (609) 394-0888.

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