Democratic Response

While the governor’s approval rating is positive, he will remain guarded. The real measure of the man will take place after his State of the State Message and his subsequent 21 county road show to make the case for his fiscal restructuring plan.

This will be a landmark of his political career because his plan will be debated and decided in the court of public opinion long before it is dealt with by the legislature. And in most cases so goes public opinion so goes the legislature.  In short this will make or break Governor Corzine.

see also:
Survey Analysis
Republican Analysis
Tabular Results
Survey Details



Leroy J. Jones, Jr. (M.S., NJIT) served four terms in the New Jersey state legislature and as an Essex County freeholder. He is now a partner in 1868 Public Affairs, a Trenton based consulting firm. Mr. Jones can be reached at 609-394-0888.

Copyright © 2008, Fairleigh Dickinson University. All rights reserved. FDU PublicMind Poll [Latest update 0080107]