Republican Response

The Presidential ratings and the right track/wrong track numbers are statistically identical to those registered in April. Given the mainstream media's continued focus on negative occurrences in Iraq, it is a positive sign for the President that these key indicators have held steady. The level of concern the public appears to have on the economy flies in the face of overwhelming positive economic trend data. It is just a matter of time before the public's view takes an upward turn in this area.

The truth of the matter is this; President Bush's foreign and economic policies were not developed with an eye toward short-term measurement of public opinion. These policies are designed to bring fundamental change to our world and, ultimately, history will judge the results.

Presidential ratings and national issues will have no impact on the governor's race. New Jerseyans have made it clear that they will elect their next governor based on how well each candidate addresses the issues of rising property taxes and corruption. New Jersey voters have a long history of separating state and national issues.

see also:
Survey Analysis
Democratic Analysis
Tabular Results
Survey Details

Comment by Michael P. Torpey (J.D., Seton Hall University School of Law). Michael is a former Chief of Staff to Governor Christine Todd Whitman and served as New Jersey Director of Campaign Operations for Bush-Cheney '04. Michael Torpey, Esq., can be reached at 609-394-0888.

Copyright © 2005, Fairleigh Dickinson University. All rights reserved. FDU PublicMind Poll [Latest update 050720]