Response by Rick Thigpen

The Republicans owe their national political accomplishments to a brand of conservative politics focused on the south and west of the country. It has not and does not sell very well in New Jersey.

By the way, three Republican members of Congress from New Jersey have been unceremoniously denied committee chairmanships for political heresy. It is clear to me that the National Republican party is content with this. How long will New Jersey Republicans remain silent in the face of this unpleasant reality? Or do they expect New Jerseyans to somehow reconcile themselves to accepting promises of adherence to faith and Christian values as a substitute for economic growth, recognition of our homeland security funding priorities, and a war policy they consider to be coherent?

How important is being in the majority if the majority does not consider our state to be important? The public in New Jersey clearly wants more than it is getting from Republicans in Washington.

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Comment by Fairleigh Dickinson University's PublicMind Academic Associate, Rick Thigpen (J.D., Columbia University Law School). Rick is a former Executive Director of the New Jersey Democratic Party and now a partner in The Strategy Group and is a campaign coordinator for the Essex County Democratic Party. Rick Thigpen, Esq. can be reached at (609) 394-0888.

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