Response by Rick Thigpen

Tom Kean Sr. remains any Governor's standard of comparison.  Christie Whitman has been rehabilitated and Jim Florio is still nowhere to be found.  (He should fire Doug Berman again.)

But Teflon Dick Codey has proven himself to be virtually impervious to the laws of political gravity.  Despite serving 14 months as Governor--while the voters consistently proclaimed that the state was on the wrong track--his personal popularity endures.  In fact he is about to depart from that high office with bi-partisan support from the voters intact.  That is quite an accomplishment for any politician.  He learned well in Essex County.

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Comment by Fairleigh Dickinson University's PublicMind Academic Associate, Rick Thigpen (J.D., Columbia University Law School). Rick is a former Executive Director of the New Jersey Democratic Party and now a partner in The Strategy Group and is a campaign coordinator for the Essex County Democratic Party. Rick Thigpen, Esq. can be reached at (609) 394-0888.

Copyright © 2006, Fairleigh Dickinson University. All rights reserved. FDU PublicMind Poll [Latest update 060112]