Response by Rick Thigpen

"The fiscal failings of the previous administrations present the governor with the most pressing of political challenges. While only a very slim plurality believe the deficit is as large as the governor says it is, that response is split sharply along partisan lines. Strong bi-partisan majorities believe that the budget could be balanced by running state government more efficiently and a strong majority of voters seems to oppose any tax increases that they themselves will have to pay. The Governor, who is constitutionally responsible for balancing the state budget, is being given few alternatives in either spending cuts or revenue enhancements that will have the voters' approval.

"Reckless Republican spending has given Governor McGreevey a more serious political challenge than any Republican candidates or any Republican political maneuvers have given him. It seems the way ahead for Gov. McGreevey will now depend upon on his ability to forge a consensus around his chosen course of action."

see also:
Larson's Analysis
Salmore's Analysis
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Comment by Fairleigh Dickinson University's PublicMind Academic Associate, Rick Thigpen (J.D., Columbia University Law School). Rick is a former Executive Director of the New Jersey Democratic Party and now a partner in The Strategy Group.

Rick Thigpen, Esq. can be reached at (609) 394-0888

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